Wyświetlanie 1–16 z 31 wyników

From: €220
Kup online haszysz Alaskan Ice JEDNĄ Z NAJBARDZIEJ MOCNYCH ODMIAN JEST ALASKA ICE Odmiana Alaskan Ice jest wyjątkowa. Po dwóch latach nieobecności na półkach sklepowych, została ponownie wprowadzona do sprzedaży po tym, jak hodowcy i miłośnicy błagali o jej powrót. Jedna z najpotężniejszych odmian...

From: €290
Buy Amnesia hash online History Dark brown waxy form with a THC content of 50%. The cannabis trichomes of the Amnesia strain, which are the most potent constituents of this plant, are gathered and compressed to create it. chew tobacco or smoke “joints” with a water pipe. Hashish has a sweet, incense-like flavor. Effects You…

From: €200
Buy Amnesia Jelly Hash Online Very strong pine terpenes. Sativa terpenes. Very high CBD content Organic, non-GMO, pesticide free Delicious flavor 100% hemp derived These hemp-derived CBD solids are non-psychoactive, THC*-free and EIHA EU certified varieties. Cannabis is not hemp. We only use hemp legally produced in Italy and Switzerland. The names of our hemp…

From: €290
Buy Apple Fritters Online This strain will likely improve your mood by inducing a brief burst of creativity and happiness, and its calming effects will gradually permeate your entire body. The problem is, many users find that once they feel a strong urge to be creative, the calming effects quickly set in, making it difficult…

From: €240
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From: €228
Buy Cherry Pie Online The Cherry Pie cannabis strain, commonly known as Cherry Kush, has garnered a lot of interest from both recreational and medical users. Cherry Pie is a potent and flavorful strain that has received many accolades, and it has a sweet and fruity aroma. Durban Poison and Grandaddy Purple, two well-known strains,…

From: €210
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From: €290
Buy Fendi OG Hash online History Dark brown waxy form with a high THC content (up to 50%). Trichomes, the most potent component of the Fendi Og marijuana strain, are gathered and compressed to create it. chewing tobacco or smoking « joints » with a water pipe. Flavor Hashish has a pleasant aroma similar to that of…


From: €250
Buy Grand Daddy Purple online Flavors and aromas of Granddaddy Purple Granddaddy Purps have a strong berry and grape aroma, according to several users. On the contrary, Ken Estes is known to have said that PIB “smells like purple – I thought purple was a color, but now I think it’s a smell!” » He…

From: €250
Kup Hash 420 online Kup haszysz Połączona żywica rośliny konopi jest używana do produkcji haszyszu 420. THC, główny składnik konopi indyjskich, który zmienia świadomość, jest bogaty w żywicę. Czerwonawo-brązowa substancja żywiczna z rośliny konopi indyjskich....

From: €267
Buy Jack Herer online What is the Jack Herer cannabis strain? As a seasoned cannabis fan, you’ve probably come across this well-known strain. But do you know its origin and what distinguishes it from other varieties? We will explore the background and unique characteristics of Jack Herer in this blog post, including its popularity in…

From: €250
Buy Jack Skellington Online JACK SKELLINGTON: TWO KILLER STRAINS COMBINED For about 12 years, breeders of this strain have been working on Killer Queen. Most of the time, G13 genetics, plus a small amount of Cinderella 99, make up the Killer Queen. Jack Skellington was discovered after Jack the Ripper came on the scene. This…

From: €336
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From: €250
Buy Lemon Cherry Ice Cream Online An indica-dominant hybrid with a delectable flavor and well-balanced effects is Lemon Cherry Gelato. It is a hybrid between GSC and Sunset Sherbet and is considered a different Gelato strain. The larger, conical, rounded, and dense buds are typical of Lemon Cherry Gelato. The color of the buds can…

From: €500
Buy London pound cake online This strain will likely improve your mood by causing a brief burst of creativity and happiness, and its calming effects will gradually permeate your entire body. The problem is that many users find that as soon as they feel a strong urge to be creative, the calming effects quickly set…